.Hack//Infection on a whole, is an original rpg, with some interesting premises, but it falls short of greatness.
.Hack is known mostly for being a fairly interesting anime, and while that is true, it doesn't transgress into the video game market without some problems.
Infection is part one of a four part series, in which you play as the character Kite, who was invited to play the online sensation that is "The World", by his friend, in game he's known as Orca of the Azure Sea. Upon showing Kite the ropes, Orca and Kite encounter a mysterious girl, and monster inside a dungeon, Orca tries to fend off the beast, but fails, and gets himself data drained and put into a coma because of it. Through some more events, kite is given the book of twilight and is able to data drain infected monsters that can cause players to go into coma's, it is then that Kite, and his new found ally BlackRose go off in search of the reason why players are falling into coma's from playing "The World"
Now .Hack plays out like your average action rpg, with a TWIST. Its a mock MMO, thats right, your playing a game about a game, fun..., combat is fairly simple, and there's nothing overly interesting about it.
The graphics and sound design are both ok, nothing overly special, and they could have been better, but for the most part, they are adequate for what they need to do. Voice acting was actually pretty good, which surprised me.
On a whole, .Hack//Infection is a good rpg, not really remarkable, but not really bad, its good, if not boring at times, the highlight of this game is the original story design, which i for one have not seen before in an rpg, and its worth picking up if your a fan of rpg's, im going to give .Hack//Infection a 7.5/10.