This game is cool! Brand new experience!

User Rating: 8.6 | .hack//Infection Part 1 PS2
Well, I actually finished this game long ago. But at that time I am not a Gamespot member yet. Due to my good experience in this game, I decided to write a short review on this game.

.hack/Infection is the first game of the total four .hack games. This game is designed as if it is an internet multi-player game, and this is really cool because you can open your PC and log-in to the game anytime and go to explore the game world wherever you want.

You can interact with other players in the internet game, join party to explore the game world together. You can choose up to 2 other players to accompany you at the town before go into battle in any stage. You can buy weapon & items or trade them with other players in the town.

The story of this game is also quite interesting. It is something that I never see before and I like the way it presents it. The graphic is nice for this game and the sound is also fair. I did not remember anything that I hate in this game, so it must be a good game for me. I remember that I have max out everything in the game including unlock all the secret.

Overall .hack/Infection is a totally different experience and if you never play an internet RPG game, well this is a good chance for you to feel the like.