A very good game that if you were a fan of the .hack anime series, you'll enjoy this 4 part series.

User Rating: 10 | .hack//Infection Part 1 PS2
When I first heard of the dot Hack series turning into an simMMORPG for the PS2 I couldn't believe it . I was all like "Oh WOW! I can't believe I'm gonna be able to use Shugo(Or Kite as the game automatically gives it to you.) from the .hack//Legend of the Twilight Bracelet" I thought this game was really cool, and it still is to me (even though I have never purchased the other three installments I plan to get them if i can find them.).

Anyway after I see some of the events in the game from the anime i was like o.O!, and i'm like oh man Orca still gets deleted :(. But hey that's why you and the main character (Kyte) going throughout part of the .hack universe trying to figure out why this mysterious stuff is happening to you and your friends that you add to your party thru the game two of most known Mistral and Blackrose from the anime (which I use alot because they look cool and remind of my #1 favorite anime).

Well if you like .hack the game will make you even more happy then before as the games progress thru the 4 part series.