.............Sorry Slow Connection!!
Gameplay: For starters it should of been for PC, the whole game take place as it should be in a PC game but for a PS2 version not bad, well at least there no lag :D. You are Kite a boy who goes into the game and plays with his friend blahh blahh blahhhhh. Kite goes around and goes in portals and kills thing, what could be better, Teammates thats what, the players who go with you are pretty fun to party with they have their own ways of attacking (although didnt stop me from telling them what to do) they pretty much do what you say to do attack that, heal him, smack that NPC...no fine be like that, though your pretty much going though the same portal every other time, theres 1.000 of ways to enter different portals most of them remakes of other ones though theres some following the storyline that will be different...though now by much
Controls: The way you move and camera are pretty good and flow like diarrhea the way you activate spells and commands have no arguements with the controller, the way you tell you teammates what to do is easy as well to though you are stopping gameplay to tell them what to do so stoping everyonce in a while gets annoying but them most things do.
Music: The music is rather good, when you go into town it feels welcoming and the battle music is something to fight too...though i dont recommend buying the soundtrack (if there is one) and land music is cool though.
Environment: For starters your login screen is pretty to look at though no computer looks like that...the towns look pretty cool theres other NPC who you can talk to to trade and get good stuff though some of there voices get annoying as well, the portals which take you to great landscapes are large though a eyesore since most of them are the same thing, only throw in rain and make it night *Bamm* different portal, and the dungeons are cool kinda like a old school Zelda feel to it, only 3D and less confusing.
So for you RPG fans that want to play everything, be my guest I like playing it.