.hack is diffrent than any other rpg out there
Nicely rendered very cartoony looking which suits the game very well there’s nice animations for moves and spells ect
Cut scenes are great withier you’re using data drain or finding out about the story you will love the graphics
Game play:
In most rpg's you would just go from point A to B but in .hack its different in each town you go to there is a warp gate you use it to go to the towns its all so used to go to areas in the world by using three key words to create the area this in turn decides the element of the area the kind of monsters that will be there and the weather as well there’s extras in the game that are ryu books these are obtained by data draining and they let you unlock music movies and wallpapers for your desktop which is the main screen before you log in and play these things are done by meeting requirements such as areas visited and stuff its nothing major in extras sense but its just something there for ppl to enjoy
This game has good enough sound and music to accompany the game
This is part one of a four part game so really if you want to learn the whole story id recommend doing all four games but if your not sure just rent part one first before you decided anything I got this game for only £20 so yeah id say its value for money
Over all this is something different which is rare now days not too many games let you play a mmorpg off line which makes it stand out more than other rpgs it’s defiantly worth playing