The closest game to achieve the title of "Best Ever" suffers from Steam conversion.
Now, what's the big deal about this, you might ask? To put it simply, these aren't the same games that have been included in every Half-Life collection thus far. These ones have been modified to use the Steam Engine. Since every self-respecting gamer knows about the contents, this review will simply be about how the Steam versions compare to the originals.
THE GOOD: first of all, you get widescreen right out of the box. And not only 16:9, but 16:10 too! It's a godsent for me. The price is low, so no reason not to go for it. Also, you get all the games in a single DVD, meaning you won't need to have the CD inside to listen to the music tracks, since they are in MP3 format.
THE BAD: for the same reason, the tracks sound a tad bit like they have lost something in quality. You'll need the DVD inside to play the game anyway, so no point there. And you'll need to be connected too. I've noticed several small graphical errors during gameplay, with black lines, as if the game couldn't manage to draw 16 bit textures. But, worst of all, the games have some serious glitches about them. Blue Shift in particular has several problems, but you probably already know about it. What you may not know is that the other two games are a bit queer too. Without giving away too much, I'll just tell an example: in a level, there is a bar you must raise to allow a train to pass. During my game, however, for some reason, the train woudn't pass with the bar raised. I had to lower it, and then the model of the train passed right through it. What?
Overall, the games have remained mostly unchanged, but the glitches are not welcome. The widescreen support is nice, but if you don't need it, overall I'd suggest to try and get one of the older collections instead, like Half-Life Generations. Or you might try Half-Life: Source, but do bear in mind that it's a bit different from the original, and it has been quite criticized. And you don't get the expansions. That sucks.