A review about Half-Life 1 Anthology, a game which includes the amazing Half-Life as well as some of it's expansions.

User Rating: 10 | Half-Life 1: Anthology PC
I have played this game two years ago, and I must say it's one of the best videogames I've played (after HL2, Far Cry, NOLFs).

In Half-Life, you start the game as Dr. Gordan Freeman, a scientist working at BlackMesa research facility. Sudently, something goes wrong and you need to...


For a game that came out in 1998, it's amazing. It has fast-paced action and a lot of gameplay. The levels are well created and the only thing that could had made it better was better graphics (it was extroardinary in that time, but now it looks old). I must say that this a must-have game, that you will not regret buying.

It's storyline is really good, the game is quite long (I must say this is the only game that kept me interested from the start to the end). The ennemies are well imaginated, and this is a game that you'll want to play over and over.

Suffice it to say, this game rocks! The fact that it will work on any computer that is manifactured today is a big plus. That means that you don't have to get a powerful computer to run it.

I must say that it's sequel which is called HL2 is way better.

All that time in the review I was talking about HL, I wasn't talking about the two expansions that came with it! So let's say that it will keep you entertained a LONG TIME.

Some areas in the game are really hard to get past them if you are not habittued to First-Person Shooters. As it's the first one that I've played, I found it quite hard to go through.