The game is a masterpiece, but the review is meant for this package, thanks to Steam.

User Rating: 7.8 | Half-Life 1: Anthology PC
All the single-player games including the expansions are fun and challenging to play accompanied with intriguing storylines, apart from Blueshift being a little far-fetched. The graphics are also enhanced to at least suit today's ok standard, but the lighting and particles system can't be helped much. I actually played Half-life 2 first, and I'm so impressed with the story I know I had to play the first game.

However, in order to play the single-player campaign, you still have to log on to the internet for verification of the product NO thanks to Steam. This sucks in fact, as it's an inconvenient step and quite risky since the website may go down in the future. Half-life 1 Anthology is a cheaper option for you if you just want to play it once for the story.
