large amounts of fun
User Rating: 9 | Half-Life 2: Deathmatch PC
This game was a great multiplayer shooter for the pc that lots of people still play much like myself and there are many who are still addicted to the game. the game itself is basiclly Half-life 2 just with a nockout drag out firefights the game may be called Half-life 2 Deathmatch but, dont let that fool you there are more servers that are a free for all no friends no alies. A large amount of the maps are custom maps so you really cant judge the game by maps because to be honest you will never know the difrence between the maps made by steam and the user created map's. A large amount of this game is like any other multiplayer shooter such as Team Fortess 2 and it all depends on the server and once you find your server you will be hooked for a while until you play the game so much that your sick of it but, that will most likely not happen for a long time. The wepon selection is small but, there all you need the wepons are pistol, crobar, stun-stick, sub-machinegun with grenade launcher, shotgun, rocket-launcher, crossbow with scope, and a revolver but, like every game you get that one person who gets the rocket launcher and just runs around and shoots people with it until they run out of rockets but, thats to be expected. The game all in all is a great game that is played a bit but, not as much as it should be and if you like Half-life 2 you will love this mod for it and the difficulty on this game can very due to the fact that its an online shooter you could be in one server and have a easy game and get a bunch of points and then the next server you could just do horibley because you're playing people who are extremely good and have played for a really long time.
ps: excuse any bad spellings :(