One of the best, but left me aching for more...

User Rating: 9.3 | Half-Life 2: Episode One PC
As almost everyone else says about EP1, it's just too short. Plain and simple. But, its the kind of game that if it had been carried longer, it would be way better. The Half-life series is my favorite game series of all time, and I trust Valve with it. If they say that it's better for the game series that the next three installments are Episodic, and shorter, then so be it. The thing about HL, is that each episode knowingly adds something new to the mix while keeping the pros of the previous installment. HL1 started it off with the groundbreaking storyline and great gameplay, then HL2 added to the awesome storyline, and added much more to the gameplay such as new weapons and new foes. Then, EP1 comes along and gives the player a taste of almost constant co-op play. This made the player feel a little better during the 'scarier' parts of the game, to have Alyx there with you so that you can half-way depend on her to watch your back. As well, there were elements like clogging up the holes that the ant-lions come out of with cars. This was an interesting and thought provoking puzzle. Some people instantly saw the connection, but some, after getting mad at the hordes of antlions decided to do some 'ridiculous' thing to stop the onrush, accidentally stumbling onto the solution. All in all, the episode was a necessary link in the storyline that bridged City 17 to the countryside. But once again, the length, no matter how necessary, is kind of a shortcoming. But until Valve completely destroys the entire series somehow, I will enjoy any game that takes place in the Half-Life universe.