What? Where? i blinked, and now it's over. bloody shame
User Rating: 8.5 | Half-Life 2: Episode One PC
I got this game, like the first on, for $10 as an afterthougth. i was going to buy bioshock, or airborne, but both were out of stock. so i bought this. And considering i didn't really know why i got it, i'd say it's pretty damn good. apart from the fact it lasts about as long as a turkey takes to roast. (well, a really big turkey). But while it lasts it's great fun. Athough there were a number of times where i would spend precious minutes running about trying to find a crank, which would then slowly open a door while hords of mutants pour out of holes in the ground. it's half life you know. The main diffrence from the other half life games is that you play the whole thing with alex, who does bugger all to help you. "i'll stand here and not do anything while you go cross that dangerous birdge, fight of an army of mutants and save the world. come right back." lines like this are common in the game. the upgrades to the source engine look fantastic. (yes, the shadows are still flat, but the hdr effects are improved greatly.) Overall, i'd say buy it, but only if it's really cheap, because the process of going to buy it will take longer than getting through the bloody thing.