Half Life 2 : Episode 1 is a must have for Half Life fans.

User Rating: 9.4 | Half-Life 2: Episode One PC
Episode one is great addition to the Half Life 2. You have the sweet gameplay from Half Life 2 and the still awsome characters,eviorment and afcorse Alix. In Half Life 2 we did not see Alix way too often and it did not feel as she was helping you out that much, more importantly Half Life 2 was a lone-wolfs adventure. Episode one fixes that problem and fixes it good. Six hours of gameplay that you get are so packed with everything that at the end you will be drooling for more. Mostly you are still in City 17 or whats left of it. Half Life 2 ended with a explosion and some sort of a time freeze. The Gman walked in and started talking with you. It was all a mystery how Alix survived that but Episode one shows that to you. Rigth from the start were dog finds you under a pile of rubble and Alix gives you a warm hug you already feel the characters. Alix is always there to help you out and we all know how help is needed in Half Life. Alix and her funny comments really adds some humor to the game. She is always in this `happy` mood while you are going tru dark car parks infested with zombies,antlions,headcrabs and the works. Episode one really shows off what Alix is capable of doing. Shes as a good figther as she looks. All in all Episode one does only one thing bad, being too damn short. But never the less Episode one is a worthy installment to the Half Life series. If you are a half life fan or you just like Alix go buy Episode one,its well worth its price.