It's has all the ingredients that made HL2 a blast. It's a trustworth sequel for it. But it could be better...

User Rating: 9.3 | Half-Life 2: Episode One PC
It's a great sequence. It's has all the ingredients that made HL2 a blast and it's a trustworth sequel for it. The plot is well developed too.
But this game could be much better though:
-Only 2 new enemy creatures were added (Zombines and Stalkers)
-The game is too short, finishing it in 4 hours on Normal mode...
-When you feel the adrenaline again and can't stop playing it, it ends...
-No veichle driving part (like Highway 18 or Canal in HL2)
-Short appearences of characters from previous games
-No real awnsers to HL2 plot, except from how did Alyx and Gordon left the Citadel

The graphics improvements are nice, but no improvements in gameplay, no new stuff (weapons, enemies, etc) at all.