I loved this game, and liked that it was short.

User Rating: 9.4 | Half-Life 2: Episode One PC
I'm sorry that all of you said this game was to short, wasn't different enough and more just general complaints. The only real complaint I have is how long it took to get done so we can play it. I have to admit that I wasn't even expecting near as good as we got, at first when I heard the episode thing I though it would be some kind of marketing ploy to get up to play more money for half assed content that they could always fix via steam. Granted since it was Valve I was hoping to be proved wrong and well I was basically just hit upside the head with a crowbar! I thought this was basically a good way to say goodbye to City 17 and what a goodbye, because there is nothing left to go back to. I'm a big RPG fan and really suck at FPS so I always play on easy but I'm really not looking for the action what really has me excited is the story of the whole game, and I just can't wait for episode 2. For those who say the game isn't long enough just going through in commentary mode was worth the 20 bucks for me.