Awesome Game
Episode one is pretty much more of HL2. Honestly, there isn’t too much new. The graphics look nicer, and there is the addition of two new bad guys the “zombine” and the “stalker”. The Zombine seems to be a bit more aggressive then the regular combine of HL2, but the Stalker’s remind me a lot of the Borg from Star trek. They don’t really bother you unless you pose as a threat. The way the story progresses a little different in that Alyx Vance accompanies you through most of the game. Company is so much fun. The one sided dialogue is a bit funny at times. Fair amount of flirting/blushing occurs from Alyx. The game also has a bit more humorous dialogue, and I’ll let you find out for yourself.
If you purchase this game in a shop, you’ll get a nice over size DVD case. Kinda nice, now I can put all my HL2 disks in a hard case as opposed to those paper covers.
Basically, this game is just as awesome as Half Life the original, and HL2. I love this series, and I figure most others will to.