When i finished playing Episode 1, i was dissatisfied wanting more. Also Episode 1 was only a one time playable game and was not so great.
Before playing Episode 2, i was worried what was happening to the Half Life franchise. I finished playing this game and i am thinking exactly the opposite of what i was thinking. I am now thinking, is there any game that can BEAT Half Life 2. Yes Call Of Duty and some others come close but no one can beat it. I can't even imagine what HALF LIFE 3 will be like.
Anyways coming to this,
At the End In episode 1 when you escaped the train, there is a blast in the citadel and the citadel is destroyed thus creating a humongous Teleporter systems.
In Half Life 2 EPISODE 2 you are stranded in a train and Alyx saved you using the gravity gun. The STORY IS AMAZING. You actually come to know who the G-MAN Really is in this story. Alyx Vance, Eli Vance and the Vortigaunts are the main Characters in this game and the turning point.
The weapons as expected are not changed. But the enemies are. There is a new enemy called Hunter which is amazing and a tough creature to destroy. The gravity gun is back and so are the old school headcrabs and barnacles.
Story takes a twist and turn and the ending is SUPERB and emotional. Yeah someone dies?? But who?? Play the game and find out.
The Graphics are VASTLY improved. Even the vintage Half Life 2 of 2004 has such graphics that i believe it can be even played in 2010. But graphics of Episode 2 are more Advanced than Half Life 2 and uses more shaders and edge smoothing technologies.
Gameplay is fun, you have great levels like caves and the CAR that was in HL2 is back and BETTER.
All in all, Half Life 2 - Episode 2 is one of the GREATEST Expansion packs surely and PROVIDES A GREAT BUILD UP to Half Life 2 - Episode 3. Episode 3 better not squander it!!