The best Half life game yet!

User Rating: 9.5 | Half-Life 2: Episode Two PC
You know a games good when as soon as you beat it you say, "Wow, I want to play that again". The newly added achievement feature also gives you something to do as you play through. Despite some minor graphical glitches and choppy animations this game looks great even for its datedness. Unlike MANY of todays games Half-Life: Episode Two has one of the best storyline & gameplay around that will want you coming back for more.

Intense action gives you the feeling of a constant boss fight, but with just the right amount of puzzles. The Characters feel real and make you long for more. Graphics-8.5
It may not be the next Crysis, but Episode 2 holds its own. The newly added soft shadows, dynamic flashlight, and cinematic physics make the world much more believable and adds a emotional touch to the game. However, the Characters models could use an upgrade.

Episode 2 indisputably has the best sound between its predecessors. Theres nothing like blowing up a strider with ambient/techno blaring in the background.
One of the best games of the year that you will play over and over.

The realism and emotional contact you get while playing this game is something many games don't offer.