Are you a sucker for storyline? Yes... Then this game is for you.

User Rating: 9.5 | Half-Life 2: Episode Two PC
Half-life2 Episode 2 Is a good game however it doesn't have that Half-life charm like Half-life2 did never the less it is still a stellar game and you will have hours of fun with it. This game unlike Half-life2 and Half-life2 Episode1 is mainly set outdoors and has some large battles instead of the old close combat in the other Half-life's.

Game play:
The game play is very much like the other Half-life's in the way it's skeleton is of a basic shooter but from there on in it is completely unique in its playing style. Its unique in the way that its very puzzle orientated but its now almost completly outside. The weapons as with every other Half-life are amazing and exactly the same...
Some of the larger battles really test how good you are and make the game deeper and more entertaining, it also adds variation to the game play ensuring that this installment of Half-life doesnt get old.

The graphics are nothing special and are ultimately dependant on your graphics card but they defiantly are not shoddy they do there job to a high standard but just have no bells and whistles. One thing I will say about it though is that the physics are unbeatable because of the strong focus of physics in the game they managed to get that part perfectly.

The music in the game only pops up now and again but is of such high quality and appropriatly placed within the game it more then makes up for the lack of it, because of the lack of it you can really appreciate it.

Nothin' wrong with em', standard WASD format.

This Episode of Half-life is much better then the good previous one but doesnt quite reach the awesomeness of two. It reveals allot of stroyline and the last potion of the game is in one word. Outstanding.

The Redhawk Rating System:
If you love the Half-life story then there is no question wether to get this or not.

In a word: