Woohoo HL series strikes back with Ep 2 to make us forget Ep 1!

User Rating: 9.5 | Half-Life 2: Episode Two PC
Woot Half Life 2 Episode Two is THE BEST in the series "so far" What makes this game so good is its really different from the other games and also the same. In this game you will have much more feeling of the map being open and you having different ways of killing enemies instead of just in a closed building or street. So lets go to the + and the - =)!

+ Story
+ Grapich
+ Variety of weapons
+ Big maps
+ AI is good
+ More ppl on your team

So you seen right, NON - on this one. So the story from Valve just keeps improving and their maps becoming better! In this game you meet new enemies and new zones to play on which makes this game so much better than the other in its series. There is great puzzles and great action in this one, including that you actually have someone on your side fighting back to help you! The maps are big and makes you feel the world is bigger this time around. The background of the distance is just stunning to watch its so good detailed and a most BUY game!