now that is what I call a real FPS , unlike episode one which was more of an adventure game .episode 2 t is super intense .wow , this is a must play game , and I say this and Iam not a half-life fanatic , actually my first game was half -life 2 and I prefered ( far cry ) which I have played befor it , episode one didn't realy give me that push , but this game is wild with great fights and intersting puzzles but not on the expense of its being a shooter , the story is excellent ,and graphics are great ,and no need for a super card , now that is a super plus by its own value .so all you real FPS fans buy this game , and let valve continue its work because it is one the best out there .I can't wait for episode three , just hope they keep the same formula .only one draw back it is a bit short so please strch it a bit next time .
Other Helpful Reviews for Half-Life 2: Episode Two
Yes, Half-Life 2 Episode 2 has arrived, and it was well worth waiting for. This game is fantastic from beginning to end... The source engine still amazes me with it's beauty. Whilst it doesn't have the impact that it... Read Full Review
Does anyone do it better? Since the debut of Half Life more than ten years ago, Valve has consistently and successfully built on the award-winning franchise. With the possible exception of 2001's Blue Shift, every new ... Read Full Review