Episode 2 proves to the gaming world that HALF LIFE 2 is still the boss.

User Rating: 9.5 | Half-Life 2: Episode Two PC
STORY: Episode Two picks up exactly where Episode One left off. You've escaped CITY 17, and recovering from the train crash you set on another adventure with hopes of saving humanity. This time around get ready for quite a few surprises down the road as the story progresses and be prepared for unforeseen consequences.

GRAPHICS: The one thing that blew me away at first was the look of the game.
Simply beautiful, that's what I said. You can clearly make out the difference between the previous Half Life games and Episode. 2. The lighting, textures, details, are marvelously done.

SOUND : Spectacular voice acting's, brilliant sound effects and Amazing background score which merge amazingly well with the gameplay.

GAMEPLAY : From chases to gun fights, from vehicles to enemies. The games got it all right. The games setting, ambiance and feel, is just brilliantly done. The game is not just your standard Half Life and features more than what Episode One had to offer in terms of variety and gameplay. The gun battles are intense and you feel like you're caught up in the middle of an ongoing war. For a change the flash light battery is separated from the auxiliary power of the suit, which now makes it a little more convenient. The enemy A.I. has improved quite a bit from the previous installment giving the game a little more of an edge. Also the vehicle chases are a lot more intense making the game a perfect package. All in all it's a good job done.

THE GOOD : Gameplay, Incredible sound, Visuals.

THE BAD : No new weapons or vehicles introduced, the game gets over.