You can't get much better than Half-Life 2: Episode Two. It the the quintessence of FPS.
User Rating: 9.5 | Half-Life 2: The Black Box (Episode Two) PC
Episode Two has everything a true HL2 fan would want, plus more. It is a package that exudes quality. Graphics are brilliant, gameplay perfect, storyline engrossing, sound top shelf, and everything else. Get it or miss out. I look forward to th next installment of the game, alhtough one complaint is that the ending didn't really hook me as much as the ending the Episode One did. You kinda get the impression though from the ending what type of gameplay to expect in the next installment, i.e lots of snow and ice, but obviously only time will tell. The only other game that has any potential to usurp the throne HL2 sits so confortably on is Crysis.