If this isnt the best fps to date then someone shoot me.

User Rating: 10 | Half-Life 2 PC
By far,this is the best fps i have ever played.Half-life was amazing when it came out six years ago.But who would of ever thought the sequal could be just as good.i did.And it sure as hell is. Gameplay:The gameplay in halflife 2 is simply amazing.One big reason is because of the physics engine which makes the game so much fun.Being able to pick up object and use them as weapons,use objects to block doorways and the GRAVITYGUN kicks ass.The AI in the game is good ,not as good as farcry,but its better then most games.The levels are designed to perfection,using the amazing source engine . Graphics:The source engine is the best graphic engine to date.HL2 is a better looking game the doom3 by alot.Doom just focused on dark areas and shadowing.The particle effects and lighting in hl2 will make u play this game hours upon hours. Sound:All i got to say is that the sound in hl2 is the best in any game to date. Gooooooooo by this game.Its the best fps ever.If u want to experience this game at full potential u should have a top of the line system.I got a 3.4ghz , 2gb ram, ati x800 and the game runs at perfection.