Just finished the game and WOW! Its like eating an amazing dessert and wanting more!!

User Rating: 9.6 | Half-Life 2 PC
What can say about Half Life 2 that you havent heard? Probably nothing beside run out and get this game. Wow, words cannot describe the physics engine! I just pray they make a opposing force / blue shift based off this game, I really want more! The game played amazing and thats all I want in a first person shooter (and a good shotgun! and it has that!) The game made me piss my pants especially ravenholm. AND WHAT WAS VALVE THINKING WITH THOSE BLACK HEADCRABS! Give us all nighmares! Geez I would like to see a cacodemon vs Black Headcrab game! WOW The end was simply jaw dropping!!! You have to see it! My only complaint was the loading times??? I have a p4 3.4 with a gig of mem and a 9800 pro and it took 30 sec between times. Also on other note when I was following Alex, after it loaded there were two Alex's. The two Alex's stood there just looking at each other, now that scared the crap out of me! Also the fact that I had to wait till 2:00 AM central time to play.