The Game is Here, The Graphics Rock, But the Game Play......

User Rating: 9.4 | Half-Life 2 PC
Over the years we have seen some awsome games and some completly horrible games. This is one of those awsome games that you can't put down. The Cut - L O V E spells love. Yes it is amazing, I know. The game starts out slow on a single level in which you have no weapon. You run for a little while and bam you get to meet your old but good friend Gary. He's got your back as it seems just when you need him. Giving you a IGT every time you need one. The Graphics - OMG when i started it up i thought it would never load. It was all black and laggy for the first few min. Don't let this through you off the game runs very smooth after five or so minutes. The games graphics blew my socks off when i saw the ammount of close detail textureing that they put into this. The eye candy suits the eye for me. I played and played and play and played and played and didn't get bored of these dam textures. They rock. The game play - The game play changes through out the whole game whether your building a bridge to get acrost the sand or shooting little spider like things. Then you come to a house in the middle of know where. Kinda freaky. They made the game so that your not just killing people all the way but rather a few puzzles and gadgets that you need to figure out. Then you come to the car. They didn't make it like 2 seconds long. NO your in that sweet a** car for like an hour. That is sweet. The final cut - I liked the game but if i can beat it on easy in 13 hours thats a little short wouldn't you say. When you finish the game head over to steam and load up HL2 DM and play your little heat out. Its awsome.