A superb fast paced shooter, with a lot of variety in game play. Stunning visuals, physics and scenes. Cinematic feel.
User Rating: 9.6 | Half-Life 2 PC
Well, after 28 hours of playing on hard, using xfire to track this for the first time, I finished HL2. It's simply a superb shooter. If you're a shooter fan you have to get this one. End of statement. The pacing, the visuals, the physics, the scenes. It's all breath taking and really sucks you into it's story line. There is not only the variety in pacing and environments, but also the small details. The facial expressions, although you won't pay much attention to it, during heavy action, is simply incredible. If I compare this one to the other big titles for 2004: Far Cry, Doom 3, Half-Life 2 simply takes the cake home. The visuals are all very impressive on these titles, but HL2 offers more variety and better cinematics. The use of physics and the Source engine are put to extremely good use. Recommended!