a very overated game

User Rating: 7 | Half-Life 2 PC
this game is so overated, it has brilliant graphics but crap gameplay. gameplay: terrible gameplay, its not original, very boring gave up half way through, it is such a let down because half life 1 was amazing, this is just boring with a crap story and bad A.I. you have to believe me, people just say its brilliant because they have been waiting for it for so long its not! graphics: the strong point of the game, everything about the graphics are good, except some textures in the enviroment, not as good as far crys but still amazing. sound: another strong aspect of the game, good weapon sounds, people sound good, everything is good in this department. value: i gave before i complted it its so bad, but i compleeted it eventully because my friend says it had a good ending but it didnt! overall this game sucks, but counter strike (the multilplayer) is amzing just get this for that its so good, read my review and it well tell you http://www.gamespot.com/pc/action/counterstrikesource/reader_review.html?id=3464925