This game is like wow, when i saw the official video at a local internet cafe i was so giddy. When i got this game on x-mas day. Wow that feeling of do something exciting like running from that lady that owned the convienent store you just stole some chips from. Of course i didn't feel like that.
The physics are a really nice feature the graphics are amazing. I've seen better but it was just was i've been wanting to play. The sound. To fully enjoy the sound you need a 5.1 surrsound speaker set. If you don't try the zalman headset because the audio and sound effects are enjoyable to the max, but when you play some multiplayer time to get the steelpad 5h. The story is very deep and movie like. I don't have much to say but, get half life 1, play it. get halflife 2 play it. and say omfg wow. then play cs 1.6 :D G man is still a gangster :D