Worth the money

User Rating: 7 | Half-Life 2 PC
Fun Game. Long Game. Good Weapons. Annoying fellow-undergrounders I kept saying, "Get out of my way!!!!" I don't mind a cliffhanger, but you could have developed the denouement first and then have the cliffhanger . The Denouement (the unraveling) is the stuff after the climax where the dust settles and we see a few results of winning the game. It was a very unsatisfying ending. Picture Star Wars without them getting the medals. This game is worth playing if only for the Gravity Gun. It's a longer game than I had expected. It's worth the money. System Shock II is better in my opinion because of the atmosphere and story line but this game was hard to stop playing. The last part of the game was too easy. It would have been nice to see some special enemies near the end,but I guess they were rushed. I look forward to the sequel.