Faithful to it's renowned name.

User Rating: 9.5 | Half-Life 2 PC
At first look, Halflife 2 may seem like a jumble of physics and graphics, a new shooter like any other.

You couldn't be more wrong.

Halfllife 2 continues in the spirit of the original, with clever gameplay aspects, simple puzzles, and a captivating storyline. But not only this, it improves on almost every aspect of the original. There are controllable vehicles, huge open maps, and, yes, the gravity gun. Some parts of gameplay are unquestionably unique, such as setting up turrets to repel against a combine attack, and controlling ant lions by using pheromones.

The graphics, sound, and physics are each in their own way great, everything works together to make a great shooter technically.

In short, it's infectious, clever, and the best shooter to date.