This is a great and immersive game that in some ways surpasses the first.

User Rating: 9.4 | Half-Life 2 PC
Well, Half Life 2. A game people waited 6 years to get their hands onto is probably best explained as overwhelming. It immerses you well, with the menacing Combine overrunning City 17 and the strange atmosphere that resembles a concentration camp. The first Half Life set the bar pretty high but the sequel raises it even higher.

The game takes place in the shoes of Gordon Freeman. A mysterious scientist that has seem to have taken the place of a rebel leader. Although Gordon doesn't talk, conversations are well done and fit perfectly. The pacing in the game works well and resembles a action movie that actually has a decent story. The action in the game is great. Even though it does nothing revolutionary it is fun and suspenseful since the health you have goes down pretty quickly. When you acquire the gravity gun in the 5th chapter, the game is really jaw-dropping. It is amazing with the realistic physics engine. Shooting propellers at zombies and blasting headcrabs with bolts of energy is fun and you may find yourself doing this for hours as I did. I think that this gun alone makes the game worth buying. The vehicular parts of the game are fast-paced and long enough to not be a nuisance. I myself found the buggy level more fun since you could use a boost but the water boat level is also pretty sweet. I think this game has legendary gameplay that shouldn't be missed by any FPS buffs. 10/10

The graphics may not seem the smoothest when compared to RE4 or Doom 3 but they are very life-like and immersive. The water seems like it is real water sitting in my screen screwing up all the little pixels. And the characters seem like some people I know or knew. The building look like victims of wear and tear and the blood looks close enough to the real thing. One thing is for sure, Valve made sure that the Source engine would be put to the test with this game. 10/10

The game is like music to your ears. The music is a bit on the techno side but it gives a bit of a adrenaline boost when being chased by the enemy or when in a big fight scene. The sound effects are great and seem good enough to satisfy just about anyway. However, the sounds do get glitchy often. It is pretty annoying but isn't the worst thing in the world. 9/10

This game is worth every penny you have earned. Just not 54.99 of it. Maybe 49.99. But not five bucks more. It seems stupid but I guess it's because it has Counter-Strike with it. I think they did this just to piss you off. But the fun of the game will probably make you forget what you payed for the game. 9/10

This game has a great tilt. Just about anyone who likes FPSes will like this game more than Halo 2. Anyone who even doesn't seem convinced to buy this game like I was some time ago should go buy it anyway. It is worth it and has great replay value. Buy it and you'll like it. 10/10

As you can see, the game is not perfect but it sure as hell close to it. It is full of memorable moments and fun galore. I think you should buy it. Believe me it is worth just about every penny you have. Just not the extra 4.99 you have to pay.