I can easily say that HL2 is the most anticipated game ever, and the fact that Valve has done it again is just amazing!
With such a perfect picture Half-Life 2 has got to have nice sounds, and it has! The sound effects are many and sounds very realistic. The voice overs are perfect and together with the facial expretions this looks close to real life! The music in the game is also perfect. There are so many different kinds of music in this game. You have action music. spooky music and even calming music filled with joy.
A reviewer said that only your first look at City 17 is worth the money itself! I must say that this game features some of the best gaming moments ever, and seing City 17 for the first time was awesome yeah, but there are other scenes in this game that will make you want to replay over and over again cause this is close to gaming perfection! You fight helicopters from a boat armed with a machine gun, you use a rocket launcher to plow up robot spiders and air units. This is action, this is how it should be, this is Half-Life 2, the best FPS ever. If you like video games, if you like action, if you like having fun, please...play Half-Life 2!
Everything except....
It's short.