An FPS icon.
Thanks to a great story line, HL2 lets you fight in a great number of different places. This will include navigating through the outskirts of City 17 in the kanals, going along the water and stopping off at bases in the airboat, driving along the coast, fighting in an abandoned prison, and then making your way back to City 17. What an adventure.
The characters in the game are ultra-realistic, they react like a real person would and even their face expressions are realistic thanks to movement and amazing graphics. As well as that, they are finalised with some excellent voice-acting.
HL2 is powered by the Source engine. The environments feel very real compared to alot of engines. The graphics look fantastic on the highest resolutions and details, especially the charcters and enemies and water effects. Thanks to Source, HL2 boasts the most realistic physics in a game to date still. Virtually everything moves like it should do in real life like- even objects from the game that float in real life, float in HL2! All the enemies and friends have some decent rag-doll deaths too. You dont even need a great PC to get a good frame rate out of HL2 thanks to the resolution options and DirectX 7 option.You can get the game to run smooth at virtually highest on a PC with a 2.6GHz processor and a GeForce FX5500 card.
The game has a new challenge around every corner. The gameplay is literally non-linear in my opinion. There are some great weapons too. There are most of the original weapons plus the pheropods which are fun and the amazing gravity gun which lets you lift up objects not bolted down and launch them at enemies. Its also handy as a tool suprisingly.
The only real bad points of this game are the dissapointing ending (Im not saying) and music (it plays at certain points of the game) which is mainly this stupid techno thing which doesnt suit. Steam is also annoying-its a program that, oh dont get me started.
So if your a PC gamer you MUST own this game. Its not my faveourite FPS of all time but its an instant classic that you NEED!