Cant appreciate it enough
What drew me into the game was the story and the fact that you knew only what Freeman knew. This limited info just kept hooking me to find out more and to keep fighting my way through. Parts of the story had its problems but those were just small black marks on a smooth and well written story line.
The graphics are absolutely gorgeous. From City 17 (which reminds me of a Cold War Eastern block city) to Ravenholm to the Black Citadel the models are believable and make you feel as though you were there. The physics on everything (not just some things like other games) adds to the believability of the game. From when your dropping barrels to when you shoot a combine and they just drop in their tracks.
I could go on and on why I love this game but I don’t have the time nor the words to describe it. If you haven’t already purchased this game I would highly recommend it.