Great game

User Rating: 9 | Half-Life 2 XBOX
This is a good game, Valve made this one even better then the first game. There are so many good things about this game, one is that the story is great, it goes deaper in this game. Second the facial expretions and mouth movements are good.
The weapons are good, my favorite is the Gravity Gun, with that gun you can pick up objects and shoot them, or move objects. The other weapon i like is the bow and arrow type thing, you can shoot a combine sholdier and kill it with one shot with that gun thing.

Of course there are bad things in this game, the first is that the gravity gun has a limited range of what it can do. Another is that some weapons dont work well.

But all-in all this game is good. Killing headcrab zombies, is kinda fun but it like killing zombies, killing combine seem enlessley fun.

I recommand buying this game, it's not for everyone but if you like Half-life and you like these kinds of games buy this game.