A very disappointing port of a great game.
User Rating: 6.5 | Half-Life 2 XBOX
The Xbox can't handle Half-Life 2 plain and simple. That is the source of our problems here. The graphics aren't as good as they are on the PC. They look fuzzy, and at times some areas of the game look almost unfinished. The controls are uncomfortable and are not done well compared to other console FPS games. Playing Gordon feels spastic and overall very sloppy. There are also glitches everywhere.One minute you're jumping on a box trying to get up, then you get stuck, then you magically teleport to where you were trying to jump to and the box is gone.The worst of all is the frame rate. It is absolutely horrible. At times it makes the game unplayable. I seriously didn't even finish he game because of how crappy the frame rate was. The only reason this game is rated above a 4.0 is that I have played the PC version and know how great it can be, so the parts that weren't totally screwed up really shine and brought my rating up 2.5 points. I'm looking forward to the orange box and hope that fixes the problems this game had.