Halflife might be all that but Steam is dissapointing

User Rating: 6.7 | Half-Life 2 PC
Steam will only work on an Internet connection that is reasonably fast .. and ppl whats the deal with Getting ur old Halflife shooters added to my games list .. it simply doesnt work! It only shows them after u've payed for them and downloaded them.
This is really frustrating.
Halflife cannot be played offline .. thts stupid 2 . If you've finished the campaign the game is virtually OVER . Multiplayer gameplay is mediocre , especially when u dont have a T1 connection. Halflife deathmatch is really bad and has lost its original touch from game of teh year.

I must praise Valve though for giving recreating so many from the all time favorite titles into source.
2 bad u cant play the games on an Local area NEtwork , like the old style LAN deathmatches i used 2 have at home. dissapointing
I was Impressed with the rest of the game 2 thumbs up , but source . Dissapointing

If u disagree watvr , i dn care LOL .. I write negative reviews for most new games , i am very critical so dont be offended by my reviews ... thts not my intention

Jan and PS. Sorry HAlo fans for writing tht review i was a bit harsh LOL