AWESOME! One of the Best PC Games Ever! Also One of the Best FPS Games Ever!

User Rating: 9.5 | Half-Life 2 PC
V e r y g o o d g a m e! ! ! ! ! ! !
No doubt about it. This game is a must own for people with a PC(that is good enough to run it right). This game is very good in all areas, except it still feels like it is missing something. Also this game will lag like crazy if you don't have a proper PC... which could make some people very angry.

U P S + D o W n S

+Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrreat Gameplay, Graphics and even multi-player.
+ Lots great about this game
+Awesome and good story

-Slowdown in some areas on some PCs
-Pretty hard game at first
-You probably have to play the first to understand this one.... but hey that isn't a bad thing

P>S> If you get the first Half Life do not get the version on the PS2.... it sucks!