Jolly Good Fun, even though i bought it in 2007
User Rating: 9 | Half-Life 2 PC
I was rather late comeing in buying this game. I'm not sure why, but i never got excited about it. When i finally did buy it, I had a great time. even 3 years after it's release, it looks pretty damn good, and the physx are still impressive. especially how you can break almost anything, and throw cans of paint at stuff, painting it white. The sound is incredibly detailed, especially when indoors, since sounds echo realistically. The gameplay is pretty good, although it feels as though it is missing something. i'm not sure what. Of course, the game does have it's flaws. such as gordon can carry as many guns as he likes, but not very much ammo for them. The big revolver pistol thingy can only hold 6 rounds, and you can only carry 12 extra. wtf. Also, gordon never talks, but everyone seems to know exactly what he is thinking and everyone still falls in love with him. Another wim is that it is absurdly easy. I had some friends over, and i said they could play when i died. eventually to make it fair, i started to play only with a pistol, then a crowbar. this is the level on the beach with the bunkers. i didn't die for quite a while, and when one of my friends took over, with no fps expirience whatsoever, played marrily away until he beat the mission. i think i died a total of 2 times throughout the entire game. overall it is extremely fun, and if you havent alrealy bought it, then go bloody buy it!