Solid campaign but lacks multiplayer

User Rating: 7.3 | Half-Life 2 XBOX
I picked up this game at Circuit City for $5 so its a bargain more or less. The game is solid. It has amazing physics, solid graphics and sound. However it doesn't run as smooth as HL2 for the PC though even if I play it on my 360. The single player is about 9-12 hours in length. Gordan Freeman awakes from sleep by the G-man and finds earth has been invaded and occupied by the alien force known as the Combine. This game also gives you the freedom of picking up most objects such as TVs, chairs, sodas, etc. The levels are well designed with many puzzles but still quite linear. Also the long loading time during the game is somewhat annoying at times. The most lacking aspect of HL2 is the replay value. There is no multiplayer nor co-op. Conclusion: HL2 is a great experience with real physics and solid graphics but unlike the PC version, the Xbox version lack replay values. However you can pick it up at Circuit City for $5-$10 so its worth it..