BUY IT NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
User Rating: 10 | Half-Life 2 PC
Half life 2 takes place years after the first half life. U start off in city 17 and found out the man has surrender to a alien race, the combine, and is under control of their power. U join up with the few survivors of black mesa and start a rebelion. The grapics looks amazing and really improved from the last game. the cutscenes are interactive so u can move around mess with stuff which is better than sitting at the screen watching a cutscene, and the facial animation are second to none and look like real people talking to u. Gameplay is better than the original, I can't really explain the gameplay because its wicked fun. U will always come back to play through levels again and mess around with the top notch havoks physic engine. And the sound is one of a kind with great voice acting. The sound is so good that it can make a annoying, loud kid who taking a dump but is constipated sound like the opera. This game is perfect in everyway, I recomend the Game Of The Year version if u are new to the series because it comes with Half life 2, Half life: source, Counter strike: source, and Half life 2: Death match. now u have to have a good PC with this game to have it at its full processing power. Its passable if the settings are on low but u might have chugs and slow downs and u will have long load times so make sure it has a newer grapics card. This game is a must buy and worth the wait.