What can i say about this game? Nothing really, except wonderful.
Gameplay- Simply put, it's fantastic, you get a real nice vibe from the enviroment when you fight against enemies in sewers or even Ravenholme. Or whatever it's called, haven't played the game in a while. Enemies aren't retarded, they will swarm and try to take you down by any means necessary, if that means bringing in a chopper (at a certain point in the game of course) or just swarming over you. Of course, there are problems with gameplay, you might find yourself getting frustrated at some of the puzzles (only if you don't get them at first, if you do, then great for you) are a little bit aggravating. Things explode with the impurity of a thousand mutated creatures. There are boat scenes, helicopter explosions, epic boss fights, and a wonderful ending that is simply un-expected.
Graphics- They are not as sharp as PC, of course, Xbox games are never as sharp or as precise as their PC counterparts, but who cares, the graphics still manage to be a blast to look at. I love blowing things up, or just making shrapnels of bullet remains after i fire a gun falling all over the place. The A.I. of course will piss you off at certain points, there were certain points when i was in Raven (let's just call it that ok) where i was scared out of my mind at creatures just jumping me from all angles and i wanted to get done with that as fast as possible.
Audio- Perfect, all i have to say is perfect. Voice acting is top notch, the sound of bullets flying, helicopters chopping are simply awesome. Even the creatures jumping you sound awesome. I'll never replay the Raven part of the game over because if there is one thing i cannot stand is being scared outta my mind by a FPS.
Value- There really isn't any, you can play the game again on a different difficulty setting (i think) but that's about it. Other than that, no replay AT ALL.
Reviewer's Tilt- Get it if you still have the Xbox, or have the Xbox360, it's an awesome shooter. Could be better for a downgraded version of the game that came out a year before the release of this one. But oh well.