Way better than the first, and has one of the best storylines and gameplay in any current gen FPS.
HF2 has great graphics, sound, and gameplay. The voice acting also fits the game perfectly. If you play HF2 on the computer there are some spots where there is lag no matter what, but it is only for a split second and dosen't mess with the game at all. The game also is revolutionary because it is not like a traditional FPS where you just run and gun, instead of killing everything in sight with a fully automatic rifle that splits people in half, you have to think about where your going and how to get past obstacles in order to progress. There are times in the game where an entire combine squad will be on you and you just open up with your pulse rifle, but that is awesome just because you will learn to hate the combine.
HF2 is a great game, to great to review everything. I have missed the Gravity Gun, all of the enemies, the vehicles, its just too much. Get the game, play it, enjoy it, and play the episodes that come after. Great game? or Greatest you decide (it will probably be greatest)