Awesome, awesome game. If you like fps's, then play this game. Immediately.

User Rating: 9.4 | Half-Life 2 XBOX
I never played Half-Life 2 for the pc, so I can't compare, although I am sure that it looked better. Of course it looked better, so let's get over that. This game looks phenomenal, the only other game that I've played for the Xbox that looked as good was Far Cry Instincts. That game looked sharper, but didn't have as high of detail in terms of absolute immersiveness. The fact that Half-Life 2 for the Xbox lacks multiplayer does take away from its overall value, but then again, how much would you play it online until you got your 360? Probably not that much.

This game is easily the best fps for the Xbox in terms of single-player story mode. It's highly immersive and engaging. It's fairly challenging on the the highest difficulty. If you are a seasoned gamer, definitely play it on the harder difficulty, it's more enjoyable. If for some reason it's too hard, you can always change difficulties in mid-game. (I never needed too, and I consider myself a seasoned but mediocre fps player)

Why are you still reading this? If you've never played this for the pc, by all means go and pick up a copy, I beat it in about a week, so you should probably just rent it.