The best sequel to the best FPS game I have ever played, read the review.

User Rating: 10 | Half-Life 2 PC
"The right man in the wrong place can make all the difference in the world. So, wake up, Mr. Freeman. Wake up and smell the ashes. " - Government-Man(G-Man)

"Now, about that beer I owed you. It's me Gordan! Barney, from Black Mesa!" - Barney Calhoun.

After you have woken up from your 20 year lasting stasis sleep and a 'long time no see(6 years since Half-life!)' meeting with your friend G-man(His quotes are never boring) you are teleported into a train to meet our friend Samuel saying that he didn't see you get on... well that is not the purpose of the game, I wouldn't have given it a 10 if it was just Samuel. As you get off the train, the first thing you notice is a big screen with our former Black Mesa administrator Dr. Breen on it, apparently lying about all the safeness and comfort in our City 17. You pass numerous odd and dangerously looking people in masks pushing citizens around with their tazors known as Combine. Eventually, a metrocop leads you to a suspicious room with a chair and blood all around it, doesn't sound good eh? There, a combine takes off his mask and it is actually Barney Calhoun! As surprising as it is, he tells you what is your next objective and even if it is still intro of the game, I am not going to spoil the 'can' part for you.

STORY: It is infact a bit odd that some critics and people say that the story of Half-life 2 is bad. Some stuff that they had questions with was answered in Half-life's expansions like Half-life: Opposing Force. The story of Half-life 2 is great overall, I don't know why people underestimate it.

The Good:
1. Some sounds of the monsters have a connection to the game's lore(Strider's moan suggests that it was an animal before the combine got a hold of it, I consider it a good factor due it's uniqueness).
2. It has some clear and sometimes amusing connections from the original Half-life(Barney's quote above is clearly a connection to Barney in original Half-life, not a big factor though.). 3. Great Characters!

The Bad:
1. Infact it does have SOME questions left to answer, but either go play Half-life's expansions or just play the episodes, enough questions answered for me to be satisfied. SOUND:

This is usually what Valve does best, and it did it again.

The Good:
1. Enemy Sounds hold a connections to the game's story.(See in Story, The Good)
2. Perfect Monster sounds and very distinctive, even better in Surround Sound.
3. Awesome Soundtracks!
4. Fast Zombies are terrifying.
5. Flawless voice acting.The Bad: None!


Half-life 2's gameplay is great overall, I love it when you have alot of Freedom in the game, I always mash the sprint button when I can! I have read some recent people's review, and they said that the controls are nothing new? They probably didn't think of Half-life's 2 ability to pick up almost every possible thing ranging from soda cans to big bricks with your 'e' button and more with your gravity gun...

The Good:
1. Great Freedom, fast character movements.
2. A good variety and flavors of battle - each part of the game differs from the other thus not repetitive.
3. The best physics of 2004.
4. Gravity Gun.

The Bad:
1. Somewhat weaker AI than I have expected. Enemies attack differently but nothing mindblowing or more special than combine throwing grenades or gunship killing your rocket(although fast headcrab climbing on to a wall and jumping back was interesting).


Half-life 2's graphics are superb in every possible aspect, the physics of the game make it look even better. Although Doom 3 may have as good graphics or even better but it is not to be judged since Doom 3 is focused on indoors and scary shadows while Half-life 2 is mostly about beautiful outdoors and such.

The Good: 1. Great Outdoors
2. Directx9(Not a great factor, every good game should have it by then).
3. Great character detail.
4. Facial expressions are the best of 2004.

The Bad: None Meh!


This is a mindblowing game of it's time. I haven't played anything better and it should be a crime not to play this game. Half-life's 2 episode are great and maybe even better! The Story of Half-life 2 is perfect, I am not sure why people say it's inferior. Gameplay is great as well, but the AI may keep some enemies a bit easy - the difficulty level feels great since the environment makes the game very balanced. Sound is what Valve does best so I don't need to explain how does it feel to jump hearing Fast Zombie's growl. Graphics, beautiful outdoors and most perfect face expressions I have seen yet. Buy this game now... how about now.... have you bought it yet?

SCORE: STORY: 9.75 -- SOUND: 10+ -- GAMEPLAY: 9 -- GRAPHICS: 10 ........ OVERALL: 97.5% (Plus = additional 0.25 to the score)