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User Rating: 10 | Half-Life 2 PC
Okey Half-Life 2 is a very good game made by Valve Corporation.Half-Life 2 is the best story line i have ever played.At the start of the game, the G-Man speaks to Gordon Freeman in a hallucination-like vision as he pulls Gordon out of stasis and places him on a train going to City 17.The rest is up to you to find out...

Okey Half-life 2 Graphics are great! It uses the Source game engine, which includes a heavily modified version of the Havok physics engine.As for game play the fighting is awesome.As you player navigates through a linear set of levels, fighting off transhuman troops known as the Combine as well as hostile alien creatures.Puzzles and sequences involving vehicles are interspersed throughout the game, breaking up moments of combat.

The shooting experience is very good and detailed you get to like it from the whole start .Half-life 2 is a game you wont get bored fast i've played it for 2 years i paused a little bit and started playing it again.Gordon Freeman the character your playing as has a very interesting suit to.A heads-up display at the bottom of the screen shows the player's health, energy, and ammunition status, while a toggle screen shows available weapons at the top. Health and energy can be replenished by picking up medical supplies and energy cells respectively, or by using wall-mounted.

As for multiplayer i aint really a fan of that one its nothing really wrong with it its just that i like i single player most

There are many new games following Gordon freeman's story.There are two Episodes out right now and the third is comming out maybe some where around the starting 2009.

As for its difficulty you will learn the game fast.The game starts calmly just like Half-Life 1 as you follow the story the difficulty will get higher and higher.....

I think Half-life 2 is the best in its series so that's why im giving it a 10!

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