Fan. Bloody. Tastic.
This wonderful sequel offers an innovative and breathaking physics engine coupled with the techno musical score and viually stunning graphics. If once upon a time you were afraid of playing this beast, 2007 is a great years to invest in some old vid cards and lay waste to those combine scum. The graphics are still amazing.
The storyline places you, as Freeman, in many different settings including some beaches, factories, and the combine citadel itself, with an arsenal of explosives and weapons at your disposal.
The animation is impressive. Alyx's jumping on top of combine structures and scaffolding, or simple leaping off stair well rails impresses me, as a Games Graphics Designer, and at the very least aspires someone of my profession to keep designing games.
Half-Life 2 is a wonderfully structured piece of entertainment and offers the customer a different, engaging, and realistic environment to harness their violent persona and reck havoc in C17.