Great! Best in the series!

User Rating: 10 | Half-Life 2 PC
This game is perfect. Need I say more? Ok fine I will. Let's start with the gameplay. Perfect. You return as crowbar wielding Gordon Freeman in this sequel to Half-Life after G-man transported you into the future after your escape from Black Mesa. The Engine is GREAT! It is just like reality and sometimes better (don't we all wish we had a gravity gun sometimes in our lives?). The new Combine are pretty smart but not the omg-the-ai-f**ing-h4xd-my-@$$-off hard AI. Of course, this game uses VALVe's Steam system and being VALVe you can expect this to be packaged. Packaging this with Counter-Strike: Source was one smart move. C-S was probably played more than H-L back then and now, returning in the Source engine is the enhanced Counter-Strike. Have fun.