Excellent sequel, though it seemed to stray from the first

User Rating: 9.4 | Half-Life 2 PC
Half Life 2 was just what you'd want from it, it had gorgeous graphics, and excellent gameplay, but only a couple characters from the first. The biggest one to come back, is of course, G-Man. In the beginning you are on a tram, after you agree to work for G-Man, if you finished Half Life 1, and you are on your way to a prison-like camp, where you soon rendevous with a few people from Half Life 1, you probably already know who. The rest of the game ends up unraveling itself, but you also sometimes get a feeling of incompleteness, knowing that all the Black Mesa workers, scientists, and security guards from HL 1 are all still trapped or dead in the place, kind of makes you want to go back for their help. Also the marines, from HL1 you eventually star wanting to fight them, since the combine all seem like big fat meanies.

The graphics are unbelievable, they seem like real life, emersing you in the fight, I can't even imagine what it would be like with surround sound speakers :). The game had excellent lighting, which at times could make an actually scary experience, in some parts. The reflections and everything were great, and you could see the emotions of your men.

The sound was superb, generating the feeling of being in a huge firefight, giving you the whole spec-ops feeling, and making you shiver with fear, especially when you're walking in the dark terrain, when you hear something walking, maybe knocking over a barrel or box. Also the horrifying screech of the little flying thing, covered in razors that rams into you and rips you apart, the screeching sound of metal getting louder, and you not know which direction it's coming from eventually makes yoy go berserk and star shooting randomly to take it out, but there's never only 1.

The only problem with the game, isn't really the game, as soon as you install your game you MUST register your product, someone stole my CD KEY, I HATE YOU!!!!... But at least I was able to finish the game. The other free games with it, the Half Life 2 deathmatch isn't too great, though it is fun, just like Day of Defeat Source, only in the Half Life 2 era. Counter Strike Source is excellent, sure only Counter Strike with better graphics, but still excellent, I', just gonna buy ordinary CS now, rather than CS:S.

Overall I think it is a great, excellent game, definitely worth the money and you will always want to play it, and the CS:S is also fun, though CS ordinary is better in most ways, such as the surf maps, totally fun, but not on CS:S.