There are GOOD Games, There are BAD Games, And There is HALF-LIFE 2
This game won the game of the year title and it doesnt dissappoint at all.
STORY - Half Life 2 picks up from where the original left off.The player once again assumes the role of Gordon Freeman and starts off in a city (CITY 17)
Whole City is captured by the Combines with only a handful of Humans left.
The Story revolves around Gordon and Alyx vance who are determined to find out the truth behind these strange activities of Dr.Breen.There is another person known as the G-Man, but his identity still remains undisclosed.Half - Life 2 has a great story and every aspect is made believable.
GAMEPLAY - Half - Life 2 is different from all other FPS's in terms of gameplay.Players encounter humans as well as alien life in a series of levels spanning throughout the game.You have many weapons to use from each having different damage and effects.
A new weapon called the " Gravity Gun" is the plus point of the game.It gives you a chance to lift any objects and blast them on your enemies.This weapon really has its the later levels you can even grab Humans with the help of Gravity Gun.
If You still find surviving difficult then you need not worry cause you have what is known as "Pheropods".This thing makes some Antlions as your allies thus helping you to finish off the enemies.
There are also physics - based puzzles which you need solve in order to advance.
This game loses ground on the basis of somewhat lackluster A.I of the Combines.They just dont know how to kill you.This makes the game more easier for you.
GRAPHICS - Graphics of Half - Life 2 are simply stunning.Everything is presented wonderfully.The Animation of the Gravity Gun makes the game a masterpiece.Every chunk of wood has its textures.The water effects are the best you'll ever see.Simply speaking the game has one of the Best Graphics in any game.
SOUND - Sound is good enough.Its not mind blowing though.Soundtrack is cool and voice acting is decently done.
Why Should I Like Half - Life 2 -- Breathtaking Visuals (Runs smoothly even on a low-end PC), Gravity Gun , Its Half - Life.
Why Should I Like Half - Life 2 Less -- Lackluster A.I , Long loading times , Confusing Story (Not Explained properly).
However this game itself is a masterpiece and proves why it has won the " game Of The Year " Title.
A definate buy for any FPS fan.